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NPA Continuing Education (CE) Committee
Friday, May 10, 2024, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PST
Category: Committee Meeting

The Continuing Education (CE) Committee is responsible for bringing high quality, relevant trainings to Nevada. CE topics are chosen collaboratively based on the changing climate of our profession (e.g. healthcare reform, DSM-V, etc) and member feedback (CEs required for licensure including Ethics, Suicide Prevention & Cultural Competency, what members want, which topics were well attended, etc.). Then the Committee works together to brainstorm/research potential speakers, reach out to potential speakers, secure speakers and venues that fit our budget, and execute the conferences. We aim to executive up to 6 CE events each year across regions both live, in-person and virtually via Zoom webinar. We also work to secure CE sponsorship.

The CE Committee meets monthly on the 2nd Friday of each month from 12noon - 1pm via zoom meeting.

If you are interested in getting involved in our Continuing Education (CE) committee, please reach out to us by email at [email protected]

Contact: [email protected]