The Nevada Psychological Association, in collaboration with the Utah Psychological Association, presents
The Ethics of Practicing Telepsychology Across Jurisdictions Presented by Alex Siegel, Ph.D., Mariann Burnetti-Atwell, Psy.D., Deborah Elliott-DeSorbo, Ph.D., Nicole Anders, Psy.D. 3 Homestudy CE Credits

Approved for Nevada Psychologists, LCSWs and MFTs. NPA is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. NPA maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
About the Workshop
The presentation covers the need and rationale for allowing psychologists to use electronic communications interjurisdictionally to provide telepsychological services ethically and legally to patients. It examines the APA Guidelines on Telepsychology with particular focus on competency, informed consent and confidentiality and security of the data. The presentation also provides a discussion of the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards E.Passport, the Interjurisdictional Practice Certificate, the Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact (PSYPACT) and how psychologists can apply and practice under the authority of PSYPACT. Time is also taken to address common questions that arise around the use of telepsychology.
This continuing education training satisfies the annual CE requirements for E.Passport holders.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this program, participants will be able to: 1. Discuss the APA Guidelines for Telepsychological Practice 2. Apply ethical and legal ways to provide interjurisdictional telepsychological services to patients 3. Explain what steps are required for psychologists to obtain the authorization to practice interjurisdictionally by way of PSYPACT 4. Discuss challenges individuals have while practicing across jurisdictions and the potential solutions to support positive outcomes
About the Speakers
Alex M. Siegel, J.D., Ph.D. is an attorney and clinical psychologist. Three different Pennsylvania Governors (Ridge, Schweiker and Rendell) appointed Dr. Siegel to the Pennsylvania State Board of Psychology. He served on the Board for 13 years, 6 of which as Chair of the State Board. Dr. Siegel was elected to the Board of Directors of the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB). He was also elected President of ASPPB in 2008. Currently, Dr. Siegel is the Director of Professional Affairs (DPA) for ASPPB. In his role as DPA, he serves as a liaison between ASPPB and state and national psychological associations. He provides training to new members of psychology licensing boards in the U.S. and the colleges of psychology in Canada. He was staff to the APA/ASPPB/APAIT joint task force on telepsychology and to the ASPPB task force on regulations for interjurisdictional telepsychological practice. He was a member of the PSYPACT task force. He is also Chair of the ASPPB Model Act and Regulations Committee (MARC). In addition, Dr. Siegel consults with state governments, attorneys, courts and maintains a small clinical and forensic practice. Dr. Siegel's CV
Mariann Burnetti-Atwell, PsyD, serves as the Chief Executive Officer for the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards. Before assuming this position, Dr. Burnetti-Atwell served as the Senior Vice President of Behavior Health Services for the national correctional healthcare company, Corizon Health. For the 15 years prior to that role, Dr. Burnetti-Atwell provided behavioral health and administrative leadership to the State of Missouri in a variety of leadership roles within the Departments of Corrections and Social Services. In addition, she served on the Missouri State Committee of Psychologists through the appointments of two Missouri Governors. Dr. Burnetti-Atwell's CV

Deborah Elliott-Desorbo, Ph.D. is a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in the areas of gender, sexuality, health psychology, integrated care, military issues (she was once an active duty clinical psychologist), and trauma. She practices at St Louis Behavioral Medicine Institute where she is the Director of the Health Psychology Program, the Founding Director of the Gender Affirming Program, and serves as the Institute’s Training Director. She is the current President Elect of the Utah Psychological Association and is the Past President of the Psychological Society of the Pikes Peak Region. Deb holds active licenses in MO, UT and HI, and has held an APIT and E. Passport from PSYPACT since 2020. Dr. Elliott-DeSorbo's CV

Nicole Anders, Psy.D. is a clinical psychologist in Nevada who specializes in treating trauma and in women’s health. Dr. Anders is trained in numerous protocols such as EMDR, Prolonged Exposure (PE), Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). She also assisted in the creation of Trauma Recovery Yoga (TRY) and continue to instruct students in the TRY-method of yoga science. Dr. Anders holds active licenses in NV and CA and is also a E.Passport holder from PSYPACT. Dr. Anders CV
This presentation is intended for psychologists, other licensed mental health providers, and graduate students of psychology.
General Information
Access to Webinar/Handout Materials: This is a 3-hour pre-recorded presentation for homestudy CE credit. Electronic copy of handout materials will be sent out by email to attendee after registration is completed along with link(s) to view pre-recorded live, virtual webinar
Refunds & Grievance Policy: Participants may direct questions or grievances to NPA at (888) 654-0050.
Approval and CE credit: Nevada Psychological Association (NPA) is approved by the American Psychological Association to offer continuing education for psychologists. NPA maintains responsibility for the program and its content.
If you want to receive homestudy CE credit for this pre-recorded presentation, you will need to complete and pass an online Post-Test Questions form. According to APA’s Standards and Criteria for Approval of Sponsors, attendee must score at least 75% accuracy to qualify for CE credit, ensuring that attendee did actually attend and complete the program. Partial credit will not be issued to those that do not score at least 75% on posttest. Attendees are allowed three attempts to complete and pass the online posttest to receive CE credit.
Completion of the evaluation form is appreciated, forms are tabulated and reported to our CE Committee for discussion, analysis of participants’ satisfaction with content, instructor performance, etc.
CE certificate will be issued via email within 72 hours of receipt of post test and evaluation form, provided a passing score is obtained.
American Psychological Association, Joint Task Force on the practice of Telepsychology. APA Guidelines for the Practice of Telepsychology. (2013). American Psychologist. Washington, DC: Author.
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American Telemedicine Association Guidelines
American Telemedicine Association Practice Guidelines for Telemedicine Health with Children and Adolescences 1 Oct 2017
There is no potential conflict of interest and/or commercial support for this program or its presenters.